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Unlocking the world of Havana Cigars: The Significance of An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-revolution Havana Cigars

Unlocking the world of Havana Cigars: The Significance of An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-revolution Havana Cigars

A Collector’s Guide to post-revolution Havana Cigars of the Modern Era, written by Min Ron NEE, one of Hong Kong's most renowned Habano connoisseurs. And he collaborates alongside Adriano, who has worked in the Cuban cigar industry for over two decades, including 15 years as an advisor to the Presidents of Cubatabaco and Habanos S.A.
Different cigar brands have their own unique history. You may be perplexed or wondering about which cigar to buy and sample; at this time, you may wish to consult this book to define and learn more about various cigars.

Revealing the History of Cuban Cigars

It is an insightful scholarly, and attractive reference book. A must-have for everyone who like Cuban cigars. This book seeks to provide a concise reference guide to all brands and notable cigars manufactured since the Revolution, including as much information as is available. The encyclopaedia illuminates the history of cigar production in Cuba, tracing its roots to the post-revolutionary era. Understanding the historical context helps enthusiasts appreciate the legacy and traditions that underpin each Havana cigar they enjoy.

Brand knowledge and Selection

This book typically covers a variety of topics related to Havana cigars, including the history of cigar production in Cuba, the various cigar brands and their origins, tobacco cultivation and processing, the art of cigar rolling, the aging and storage of cigars, Cuba's tobacco regions, and the distinct flavour profiles of each brand.

One of the most appealing characteristics of Havana cigars is their wide diversity of flavours. The encyclopaedia provides thorough information about the tobacco areas, mixing procedures, and aging processes that contribute to each brand's distinct flavour character. By consulting the book, cigar aficionados may better comprehend the subtleties of flavour, which range from earthy and woody notes to hints of spice or sweetness, allowing them to savour and enjoy the complexities of their selected cigars.

With that information, cigar aficionados may make educated decisions when choosing cigars depending on their chosen taste profiles, strength, and size. And can ensure that their cigars mature gently, revealing fresh layers of taste and aroma.

Appreciating Cigar Construction

The craftsmanship of cigar rolling is an essential component of Havana cigars. This book gives insight into the complex skill required to create these amazes. It delves into the techniques, equipment, and talents used by torcedores to produce the ideal draw, even burn, and visually appealing look.

As the title indicates, the book is frequently accompanied with pictures and illustrations of the cigar-making process. These pictures help the reader grasp and appreciate the topic matter.With a wealth of knowledge and information on Cuban cigars. The book may contain information about whichever cigar comes to mind.

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